Complaining and negativity seems to be a way of life for many. You can also catch these qualities. I once spent a great deal of time around people who were always choosing to be victims, view life pessimistically, lived from a place of fear, blamed others for why their life was the way it was, and complained about everything. I became like them. In fact, I felt if I did not act like that it could possibly jeopardize our relationship. The sick thing is, I didn’t know it until I was no longer in relationship with them. It was liberating to be able to enjoy life, be the optimistic person that I truly am, and believe the best, take personal responsibility, and allow myself to grow. This taught me even more about the importance of who we choose to be friends with. Looking back, I realized I had spent a great deal of time with many people much like them throughout my entire life. Why was I drawn to these type of people? This question placed me on a journey of self-discovery that has absolutely changed my entire life in the most extraordinary ways!
I have a mission for you this month, if you choose to accept it. Pay close attention to how many times you think or speak complaining thoughts. Once you catch yourself, make a choice to reframe those thoughts or words. Listen to others more carefully. Are you matching their view on life? Are you speaking words that you think they will agree with even if you know they aren’t helpful to hear? Really become aware and evaluate the quality of your words. Words build up or tear down. Choose them wisely. Words are powerful!
Here is an example:
“I hate doing the dishes. It seems that I no longer clean the kitchen and then it is time to clean it again. I never get a break from washing the dishes.”
Is that a helpful series of thoughts? What do these thoughts accomplish? Are they enriching your life?
“I am so thankful that I have food to put on dishes and a home in which I can enjoy running water, perhaps a dishwasher, and an ability to use my hands to wash these dishes that I had enough money to purchase”
Did you notice what happened to your whole attitude when thinking about the two different series of thoughts? If you sensed yourself being jaded, why? Our attitude and beliefs about our life determines how we live it. Simple changes in how we think and say things have powerful impact on the quality of our life.
Please read and chew on the information this article provides. It just might change your life!
Science Reports: Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity