In the simplest explanation biofeedback is a response of a living system to a physical stimulus. In this case the stimulus is of electrical origin. The body electric reacts to the frequencies sent via the head harness and wrist and ankle straps and the computer measures and interprets the physiological and energetic reaction. Then the technician feeds back to the body (training) what it is “asking” for to bring balance to the system(s) needing support.
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You will either be lying down on a massage table face up, or sitting in an anti-gravity chair. I will need access to your wrists, ankles, and head. The straps must touch the skin. The lights will be dimmed, and there will be relaxing music or solfeggio frequencies playing. You may be asked to monitor your progress on an additional monitor. You will be asked a series of questions concerning your stress and vitality during the initial session, and asked for updates, observations, and improvements prior to follow up sessions.
Some people feel nothing at all and will often tell me that they didn’t notice any changes. What I have realized is that we often only notice what is not working correctly, not what is working well. I encourage every client to take a daily inventory of every system: mind, body, and spirit. Even keeping a journal and doing a morning and evening check in with the body, mind, and spirit can develop awareness and allow you to fully participate in your improvements. The mind is the most powerful piece, in my opinion, to this whole health picture. This practice changes mindset and can ultimately change the course of a person’s vitality. Once my clients realize that biofeedback is a subtle modality and if they take inventory of each body system each day they can more easily note how biofeedback has improved their overall well-being and outlook upon life.
Some clients will feel itching on their wrists and ankles where the straps are placed, pressure from the band around the head, see flashes of light, feel sharp yet quick pings on the forehead, tingling up and down the spine, movement in the intestines and stomach, some may even cough things up, smell an odor release, feel something oppressive lift from them, feel very emotional and some even cry, many fall into a deep and relaxing sleep, often people feel tired after a session, and some feel energized. A good majority of my clients say they just feel more balanced and that is EXACTLY what we are trying to achieve.
Depending on each individual’s ability to assimilate the information exchanged during the session is directly dependent upon how long the client will feel the working of the biofeedback session. Some clients will say they experience continual changes and improvements over the course of time, others say they notice the most improvements that day. Each person is unique, so each biofeedback session and results are unique.
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The initial session is the longest. It is a two hour session. This allows for paperwork to be filled out and questions to be answered in order to build an algorithm. Time on the biofeedback for training rarely exceeds one hour and 15 minutes.
Follow up sessions are one hour and 15 minutes. This allows time to get hooked up and time after to go over information. Time on the biofeedback for training rarely exceeds 45 minutes.
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The better question is, “What are your wellness goals?” If you just want to hide away from the world and de-stress for an hour to two hours then yes, one session is enough for that. If you want to deal with a complex and chronic illness, neurological or muscular issues, or hyper reactivity then you are looking at a commitment to many sessions. How many sessions exactly is dependent on not just what the biofeedback can do to support your goals, but what you are willing to do to make adjustments in your lifestyle in order to bring balance more quickly. I encourage all of my clients with a chronic issue to commit to 10 sessions at least. If they are willing to invest the money and time to participate in consistent sessions there can be great changes that can take place. If you want to deal with a head cold then one session can be adequate to get the body balanced and boost immune function. It is all about what you want out of it.
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The initial session is $250. Follow up sessions are $100. Remote initial session is $150. Follow up sessions are $85. Packages of ten for the price of 9. Specials can be found on my website here: http://www.reallylivewellness.com/specials/
Please refer to the pricing listed on this page: https://www.reallylivewellness.com/biofeedback/
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There is currently no regulation on biofeedback. However, I have chosen to become a certified Biofeedback Specialist and continue my education above and beyond what the board I am certified through requires. In my opinion, I want a highly trained person doing biofeedback on me. My biofeedback education is very holistic. I have studied many modalities and health principles and will continue to do so.
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My scope of practice is stress reduction only. I use essential oils as an adjunct to biofeedback for the purpose of reducing stress within the body. I can test the frequency of an oil and measure the reaction and test why the body could benefit from using that particular oil. I use oils for breathing exercises, I diffuse them in the room to create an oxygenated and purified space to encourage the most beneficial experience possible, and will use their frequencies during a session to do training and reduce stress within the body.
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All products are for stress reduction. They are easily purchased from my website, calling to order, or links from my website. http://www.reallylivewellness.com/products/
For a full list of services, please refer to my services page here: https://www.reallylivewellness.com/services/
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I do not bill insurance. I will present a superbill at a client’s request for them to submit to their insurance company. You can ask your Primary Care Physician to refer biofeedback for stress reduction and sometimes some insurances will cover a portion of the cost of services provided.
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YES. I am so grateful to have such first-hand knowledge about so many of the holistic healthcare professionals.
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