What’s stress gotta do with it? Medical science discovers a link between brain, immune system… Let’s just open May’s Stress Education with a fantastic link:Science Daily: Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications. What a rabbit hole of links of information challenging the changing of paradigms on how we view the brain and immune system. Of course, I have already discovered this as a result of my work with biofeedback. Everything is connected. Everything. Reducing stress in the mind, body, and spirit supports healthy immune response and optimal wellness. Since stress is the foundation of all dis-ease it is important to take this seriously. Most don’t. It is put off because it is too expensive, too much
Read more →Our bodies are 70% water. Let’s take this fact and use it as a foundation to build upon. Masaru Emoto, author of “The Hidden Messages in Water” details his research into the crystalline structure of water. He and his colleagues found that water droplets would form into different crystalline designs after being exposed to different types of music and then frozen. Furthermore, they discovered that even taping pieces of paper with words to vials of water would alter the structure of the water. Words like love and gratitude would form beautiful ice crystals and things like acid rock would form disrupted crystal patterns. It is a phenomenal study and I highly encourage all of you to really take the time
Read more →Complaining and negativity seems to be a way of life for many. You can also catch these qualities. I once spent a great deal of time around people who were always choosing to be victims, view life pessimistically, lived from a place of fear, blamed others for why their life was the way it was, and complained about everything. I became like them. In fact, I felt if I did not act like that it could possibly jeopardize our relationship. The sick thing is, I didn’t know it until I was no longer in relationship with them. It was liberating to be able to enjoy life, be the optimistic person that I truly am, and believe the best, take personal
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