When I was very ill with chronic Lyme disease I struggled with feeling angry all the time and not knowing why I was so angry and rarely being able to control it. It was a living nightmare that I felt like I could never get a grip on. There were times I just wanted to run away so no one would have to deal with me and my unpredictable outbursts. It was embarrassing and I often felt very ashamed and guilty. I did everything you can imagine to try to gain control of my life to no avail until I went through treatment for Lyme disease and my nervous system began to calm down so much I felt like I
Read more →Summer is a fabulous time to support lymphatic health. If you don’t know much about how the lymphatic system works or what it is I suggest you use the following article and links to glean more understanding in order to do something to nurture your body. People with chronic illness tend to have a sluggish lymphatic system. Shortly after I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease I began to learn about the complexities of this disease and what it does to the human body. I soon realized that I had to support immune function and lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic massage, rebounding, dark leafy greens, good fats, 20 minutes of movement daily, near far infrared sauna, chiropractic care, grapefruit essential oil, zeolite, acupuncture,
Read more →What’s stress gotta do with it? Medical science discovers a link between brain, immune system… Let’s just open May’s Stress Education with a fantastic link:Science Daily: Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications. What a rabbit hole of links of information challenging the changing of paradigms on how we view the brain and immune system. Of course, I have already discovered this as a result of my work with biofeedback. Everything is connected. Everything. Reducing stress in the mind, body, and spirit supports healthy immune response and optimal wellness. Since stress is the foundation of all dis-ease it is important to take this seriously. Most don’t. It is put off because it is too expensive, too much
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