Choosing Joy Winter can be a really rough season and feel stressful for many, including myself. I have a choice to succumb to Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), or overcome it with intention. It can be rough. My tendency is to daydream and plan escape to sunshine in order to feel happy and content. This isn’t always realistic, so I have to decide if I am going to allow myself to behave in a state of discontent or choose joy when I can’t get away to sun and heat. It is a daily battle. I have found that my diffuser, essential oils, getting outside no matter what, and a Happy Lite do help. With all the updated controversy with Vitamin D
Read more →Welcome to summer! Awareness of seasonal changes and the cycles of life can truly prevent stagnation of mind, body, and spirit. My week in California in May at my Biofeedback Congress was pivotal for me. It prepared me for the changes to be made this summer. I have been in this industry for four years this August and I understand more and more all of the time. I have literally gone full immersion into this field and connections are being made now that I literally had no cognitive scaffolding for even just a year ago. My gut feeling is that I have just synced and it is going to be exponential growth and development from here. As a result of
Read more →Really Live Wellness hopes you have the happiest of holidays! I thank you for sharing your lives with me this past year and allowing me to have the honor of partnering with you and your goals to reduce stress and really live. I hope you enjoy your time with loved ones and take some time out of your hectic schedules to take note of what winter is revealing to you. During biofeedback one of the affirmations that may be chosen can be , “I am aware of seasonal changes”. This is an example of what this affirmation can mean. Winter is a season to relax and store up at the cellular level. Put the following on your winter checklist: rest,
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