
I am passionate about biofeedback. I have been a Certified Biofeedback Technician since January of 2015. Biofeedback has changed my personal life dramatically in all categories: mind, body, and spirit. I was first introduced to Biofeedback in 2012 and have been fascinated by it and pursued it as a career because I saw firsthand what it did for me and those I worked with. In April of 2014 I was introduced to a Quantum Biofeedback system that blew my mind. After experiencing it I knew I had to be a part of this community and offer this advanced technology to my current and new clients. I attended the Biofeedback Congress, purchased the education package and I was off and running. There is so much to learn and understand and I am sure this will be an ongoing process. It’s not like I just press buttons and hope they reduce stress. I must understand the anatomy and physiology of the body and how emotions are entwined. Learning how certain stress patterns are connected and impact specific body systems enables me to be a skilled technician as I can see the information the body electric reacts to and choose the programs that will give the greatest relief. Coaching skills are a must as we all need encouragement and support in order to change and gain insight and develop awareness. Compassion, empathy, and just good listening are required in order to best serve my clients and support them where they are currently while at the same time shooting for the stars. Relationship building is paramount as trust is crucial in helping people to feel safe and nurtured so they can relax their mind and body and allow relief and new beneficial patterns to be created.

What I appreciate the most about Quantum Biofeedback is how non-invasive it is. It honors the body and subconscious mind. The subtly is simple yet at the same time profound. I have been a very spiritually aware person my entire life. This has leaked into my ability to be emotionally and physically aware as well. It is easy for me to sense the frequencies being exchanged from my body and the device and then to notice the differences in my thinking, body function, and spirituality. It is not so easy for all and it is my job to help coach my clients to create their own levels of awareness. This, much like biofeedback, is not a “one hit wonder”. It take time to cultivate mindfulness. It is certainly worth it. In the center of mindfulness lives choice and empowerment. Biofeedback has given me a life of abundance. My whole outlook on life has changed. My ability to manage interpersonal stress has improved greatly and will continue to improve I am sure. My physical body has experienced such relief that I do not battle with so many ailments as my body is in more perfect balance and alignment. When things are out of balance I have an effective tool to help. My spiritual life has grown significantly. I can see things and understand things I never have before. There was a period of time I was in a religious cult and it shattered my ability to trust. Biofeedback has helped me to forgive more deeply, release, and move forward in ways I only three years ago did not think possible. I know it will just get better over time. The beauty, for me, is that I get to work with people and watch things change and improve with time as their stress is relieved and they live with greater harmony and balance. The clients who are committed to this work get far more out of it than those who do not follow through, but even if they come only once I know that they are receiving an incredible stress reduction session that can bring about great good if they want it to do so.

Biofeedback has taught me that our spoken and written words create or destroy. Intention and life scripts are the backbone of what we attract in this life. Just as God spoke and all of life came into existence, so we, as co-creators, make our world what we speak into being. One of my strengths is seeing how negative thoughts, emotions, and ideas can be reframed into something that promotes life, harmony, and reduces stress. Affirmations confirm to me what the Bible has taught us, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7. I like sharing affirmations with my clients and seeing them transformed as they practice saying them or writing them out in cursive in order to engage their subconscious mind to live out this more beneficial truth.

I am passionate about this technology and what it does for people in reducing stress to mind, body, and spirit. It is a holistic modality that addresses everything that make us whole. When you do a session with me I pour my whole heart into you and believe that great things are going to happen. If you have never experienced this type of stress reduction I highly encourage you to try it!
