Welcome to summer! Awareness of seasonal changes and the cycles of life can truly prevent stagnation of mind, body, and spirit. My week in California in May at my Biofeedback Congress was pivotal for me. It prepared me for the changes to be made this summer. I have been in this industry for four years this August and I understand more and more all of the time. I have literally gone full immersion into this field and connections are being made now that I literally had no cognitive scaffolding for even just a year ago. My gut feeling is that I have just synced and it is going to be exponential growth and development from here.
As a result of this last CEU gathering, I especially expanded in terms of my strategy and technique as a Biofeedback Specialist. It was inspiring to listen to so many different practitioners share their insight and approach to supporting the body electric. As I sat there like a sponge and soaked in all of the information I could possibly sustain without being too leaky, I felt like my whole paradigm shifted on how I approach my practice. This is excellent news for all of my present and future clients!
I came home and have begun the shift. It has been exciting to see the results so soon even though I have just started implementing my new approach. It became even more substantiated that it is crucial that each of my clients takes personal responsibility and changes their current approach to wellness in order to get the most out of the frequency exchange during session. This is why some clients are absolutely thriving and others are hardly noticing any improvements. All I can do is present information and education. It is the choice of the client what is done with that information. My encouragement to all is, “Go for it!” Make the changes necessary to thrive! There is nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain. It is not my job to coerce you, but to encourage and inspire you to believe that a vitally alive life is possible!
One of the largest obstacles limiting vitality is vibration. For most this sounds like a Beach Boy’s song about good vibrations. The Beach Boys were RIGHT! There is such a thing as good vibrations and bad vibrations. Those that are ill have a very low frequency that resonates and attracts more low frequency. Low vibrations are degenerative in nature when exposed to them over long periods of time. Healthy people who are balanced mind, body, and spirit have a high vibration and resonate and attract high frequencies. We literally attract what we emit out. Low frequency traps the mind and body into stagnation, a state of degeneration which results in dis-ease, and even worse; limiting beliefs. It can be quite challenging to break out of this stronghold, but it can be done if we choose to make even just a couple of changes.
In this newsletter I want to address the first stage of my new approach to supporting the balance of mind, body, and spirit. Some clients may need several sessions at this stage. Others may only need 1-3 sessions at this stage. Since every single person is an individual this most certainly will have to be a custom made approach.
My new approach is to address imbalances in the body electric in stages which will support, nourish, and encourage the process of self-healing. First and foremost, we must address the Base Chakra of the body which is the seat of life and death.
This is a vibrant spinning red energy that nourishes the reproductive/sexual system and elimination of the bowel. Reproduction co-creates life and the colon releases the energy of what no longer nourishes or serves. Intelligent design allows for life to be released from our body and a way for death/waste to be removed from our bodies. However, when there is an imbalance we can’t co-create life, or release what no longer serves us, which hinders our ability to heal. There have been many brilliant minds that agree that death begins in the colon and the longer I practice Biofeedback the more I agree with their conclusion.
Chakras are actually real energetic frequencies that can be detected that run up and down the spine and beyond. They play a vital role in the health and balance of the body electric. Many people think that this is part of the Hindu or Buddhist religion/philosophy, but it is actually Vedic healing wisdom that has been passed down for thousands of years. Due to our advances in technology we can now detect these spinning circles/energy fields, which validates what many in the East have known for millennium.
Here are some practical ways to support the Base Chakra:
Find a color of red that appeals to you and wear clothing in that color as much as possible. Choose foods that color. Choose to look at that color as much as possible. This color actually signals the brain to release enzymes that support Base Chakra systems.
- Each morning on an empty stomach drink this tonic:
- 2 cups fresh spring water (findaspring.com)
- 1 tsp sole (https://wellnessmama.com/12158/make-sole/)
- ½ tsp non aluminum baking soda
- 1 tsp organic, non gmo black strap molasses
- Tiny pinchof borax (do not use more than ¼ tsp in a day)
- 1-3 drops doTERRA lemon oil
* Remain properly hydrated throughout the day with spring water from a pure source.
* Sip, do not gulp, hold each swallow in your mouth as long as possible…this is where the real absorption takes place.
Also, use this solution in your enema bag. Enema bags can be purchased online from medical supply sites. Please make sure that it is not made of latex and is bpa free. This can be a water enema, not a retention enema. You can look all that information up online these days.
This will help clean your colon and allow all the receptor sites in your colon to come back “online”. A balanced colon balances 16 systems of the body!!!!!! I always encourage hydro colonics as well! A colonic specialist will know how many times you need to be cleaned out!
- Use a zeolite every day. Our world is toxic. There is NO avoiding it at this time, so we must do something to counteract its poisoning of our cells. Zeolite does this beautifully. It helps the cells release toxins. My favorite brands which I carry at the salon because I will not be without them: Results RNA ACZ and Advanced TRS (my favorite). Not all zeolites are created equally. You want the cleanest source of zeolites possible for them to work well.
- Only eat foods that have a 9 on the barcode. Do not buy food with the other codes. These foods are genetically modified and mess with your DNA and poison your cells. All food is not created equal. Food is our medicine, so choose what you put in your mouth wisely. Nutrient dense real food is nourishing to the cells and the body won’t require so much eating when it is satisfied. Food is expensive, so consider the following:
- Thrive market online shopping for real food.
- Amazon sells organic, non-gmo food as well
- Local farmers-get to know them, buy from them
- Garden towers-look them up online, grow your own food at minimal expense or need for space.
- Vertical pallet gardening.
- Go on a RAW food diet for a time or for life. Nuevo raw food is a great resource online-there are so many, gradually purchase kitchen tools that will help make this type of eating sustainable. It is a process, so be patient.
- *animal products have a low vibration, so should be eaten sparingly if at all*
- Sprouts, live/fermented/cultured, raw foods have everything the body needs to thrive. Plants have a very high vibration.
- Make freezer chocolates out of cacoa nibs. So many recipes for raw freezer chocolate treats. These support the “love” hormone and helps the body vibrate at a higher frequency. No commercial chocolate, only the raw real stuff, please.
- NO refined sugars or artificial sweeteners and keep ALL sweeteners at a minimum.
- Deep Breathing from pubic bone to collar bone. Do at least five of these days with a goal of 100 by the end of each day. Fill your entire abdomen with oxygen, gut should stick out, inhale through nostrils. Exhale with a “ha” sound as loud as you can, pressing your abdomen back to your spine. Make sure all of the air is forced completely out.Pointers for better results: After you inhale, hold before releasing, then after you exhale all of the way hold as long as you can before inhaling.
- Go throughout your home and get rid of every chemical cleaning product and bath and beauty product. These are huge culprits to our illness of mind and body. Replace cleaning products with essential oils, borax, vinegar, and baking soda. There are so many resources online now. They do not take long to make, less expense, and better for the family. Also, there are countless resources on how to make your own bath and beauty products. The skin is alive, so remember there is an adjustment to the body once chemicals are removed from the body. The skin will start to detox and it will appear that the new healthy products aren’t working, but in fact they are healing and healing is a reverse of symptoms, so be patient with the process. The natural glow should arrive in about 4 months!
- If you are a woman: http://natural-fertility-info.com/vagina-steam.html
I learned about this from a few of my Hispanic clients. This will support base chakra beautifully. - If you are a man: Results RNA Prostate support
- Movement every single day: focused stretching, Pilates, hatha yoga-hot yoga being ideal. Hot Hatha Yoga is known as a beginner’s class with emphasis on the healing of the spine, base chakra, and using the movement of breath to support regeneration. I highly recommend it! Find the book, Supple Leopard. It is a vast resource of ways to fantastically and effectively heal the body. Additionally, Ashley Black’s Fascia Blaster. Lots of ways to heal the body through forms of movement without overdoing at the gym.
- Begin collecting tools to create a healing center/M.A.S.H. unit in the home for family and friends:
- Behmer
- CGAM Body Charger
- Biomat
- Grounding Mat
- Near Far infrared Sauna with color therapy
- Hulda Clark’s parasite zapper or Rife Machine
- Genius Insight biofeedback ap
This is a life do-over newsletter. Start with the tonic and deep breathing and add piece by piece as you can. This is the best way to make effective change. Slow and steady wins the race. If you can do more with grace and ease, go for it. No limiting beliefs set in motion here!
I rejoice that we have solutions to heal our mind, body, and spirit. I rejoice that we are in this together, co-creating life promoting options. I thank each of you for the honor of working with you. It is holy ground to me, a sacred space that I never take lightly. I think of each of you often and nurture you in my prayers. I believe all things are possible if we will only believe and act. Hear and do, align with natural law, which enables the reaping of the rewards of order, abundance, balance, peace, and health!