Really Live Wellness hopes you have the happiest of holidays! I thank you for sharing your lives with me this past year and allowing me to have the honor of partnering with you and your goals to reduce stress and really live. I hope you enjoy your time with loved ones and take some time out of your hectic schedules to take note of what winter is revealing to you. During biofeedback one of the affirmations that may be chosen can be , “I am aware of seasonal changes”. This is an example of what this affirmation can mean. Winter is a season to relax and store up at the cellular level. Put the following on your winter checklist: rest, renew, reflect, re-evaluate, re-group, and refresh so that you are ready to rise into spring.

I know that this time of year the hot topic is always New Year’s resolutions, but I encourage you to think more about more permanent lifestyle changes. Choose something small and attainable, like taking five deep breaths a day. Once you have established and achieved this change you can then add another such as tell five people each day what you value and admire about them. If you spend more time working on how you think about things the habits and behaviors will soon match your thinking. Thoughts create feelings and feelings manifest into action, so think careful thoughts. Instead of thinking that you need to hit the gym five times a week in order to get healthy, start with a small goal of eliminating one unhealthy food item you eat on a regular basis and replacing it with a healthier option. Once that is firmly established choose a bigger fish to fry. For example, reduce the amount of times you eat out for a week or when you eat out choose healthier options. Maintain this by thinking that you are changing your lifestyle habits, not going on a diet or trying to lose a few pounds. Think about how small changes equate to the biggest differences. Also, instead of working out to the point of burnout, choose an activity you love and make an attainable goal to participate in that movement for 20 minutes 3 times a week. Think about how you enjoy the benefits of movement and making healthier eating choices. Be grateful for how these choices benefit you and think about these things often. Dwell on what benefits and nourishes you and resist the temptation to dwell on thoughts that are discouraging and hopeless. For what we think on is what we become. Let the thoughts you have in 2017 be a catalyst for fantastic, permanent lifestyle changes.

This time of year I like to do some evaluations on things that are serving me well and things that are not. The first thing I do is make a list of “Tolerations”. What am I tolerating in my life? In truth, tolerations can take a real toll on your health, so taking time to think this through can be an empowering exercise. Remember, only you can choose what you think and do in your life, so anything that makes you feel like you have no control should be examined. I also like to make a list of things I can control and things I can’t control. If there are more things on “The I can’t control” list I need to make action plans to move my life in a direction that gives me my voice in order to life out my truth. Another list I have recently added is “Who am I being influenced by”? This has been a life changer. We are energetic beings and the people and ideas we allow to influence us is where we will put our energy. Sometimes it is difficult to be honest about this, but it is crucial. Are these influences nourishing, supportive, positive, joyful, and helping you to grow and develop into the best possible version of yourself, or are they bringing you down, keeping you in a place of passivity, hesitation, denial, delusion, rationalization, and justifications? Our choice of relationships we keep is vital to our well-being. Take this inventory seriously. We can still be loving people and opt out of damaging relationships. This doesn’t mean there might not be discomfort, but in the end it usually helps everyone involved get an opportunity to grow. We do not have to choose stagnancy. In 2017 be a bright light that shines down a path of greatness and possibility. Who knows who may follow your example?

May light, love, grace, truth, peace, health, vitality, joy, and abundance surround and overtake you and your loved ones in 2017!
