When I was very ill with chronic Lyme disease I struggled with feeling angry all the time and not knowing why I was so angry and rarely being able to control it.

It was a living nightmare that I felt like I could never get a grip on.  There were times I just wanted to run away so no one would have to deal with me and my unpredictable outbursts.

It was embarrassing and I often felt very ashamed and guilty.

I did everything you can imagine to try to gain control of my life to no avail until I went through treatment for Lyme disease and my nervous system began to calm down so much I felt like I had more self-control for the first time since I could remember.

However, the bigger problem was that I had developed this pattern of behavior and getting that to change was quite a battle until I decided to use biofeedback to re-educate and train a beneficial pattern of coping with the stress created in my life concerning anger and angry outbursts.

There are no ways to describe to you the absolute peace and relief I experienced in my life when I realized that I had control of my temper and could choose to disengage and had complete control over how I expressed frustration and anger.

I know that biofeedback is what empowered me to do this. I also learned so much about anger. The root of my anger was sadness and rejection. Once I could see those roots exposed I could do something with them and address them properly.

Here is a very helpful image that I think does a fantastic job of conveying root causes to the expression of anger. Take the time to really check it out and see if you can identify root cause for yourself.
Biofeedback will identify the stressful emotions and educate how to break patterns and develop new ones. Many of us are simply unaware of why we have these harmful emotional patterns of behavior. Sometimes we feel like we are on some kind of roller coaster ride we can’t get off and it just keeps looping around. Biofeedback can interrupt this loop and re-direct or help assist you off the ride on to solid ground where you have the control to take the next step.

Anger is not a bad emotion. It gets a bad rap because of how it is often expressed.

Learning how to express anger in a beneficial way is a life changer.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can control and express anger properly or any other emotion you struggle with schedule your biofeedback sessions today. When strong emotions stop sabotaging you there is such empowerment and vitality that comes into living. We are not victims to our emotions, but sometimes we just require some support. Biofeedback does this with grace and ease.