What’s stress gotta do with it? Medical science discovers a link between brain, immune system…

science-dailyLet’s just open May’s Stress Education with a fantastic link:
Science Daily: Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications.

What a rabbit hole of links of information challenging the changing of paradigms on how we view the brain and immune system. Of course, I have already discovered this as a result of my work with biofeedback. Everything is connected. Everything. Reducing stress in the mind, body, and spirit supports healthy immune response and optimal wellness. Since stress is the foundation of all dis-ease it is important to take this seriously. Most don’t. It is put off because it is too expensive, too much going on, or some excuse as to why there isn’t enough time or resources to be pro-active. These are all constructs of the mind and they are harmful. The truth is preventative methods are always less expensive than waiting until everything falls apart. In our society we are actually trained to remain too busy to take care of ourselves or enjoy life for that matter. We then become ill and spend all of our money in the medical mega complex. It is sick. Pun intended. I see people each day choose to spend money at coffee shops or at fast food restaurants or on clothes or toys or remodels or on whatever that person deems is important and valuable. It amazes me how few people actually believe that taking care of their own bodies is a worthwhile endeavor. The people who do are vibrantly healthy and living life to the fullest. They continually work to achieve the balance of mind, body, and spirit. Bottom line, we spend our time and money on what we value. A good “check in” is to evaluate where the money and time is being spent. This is the ultimate truth teller of a person’s life. Running on empty is no way to live. We only can give what we have and if the cup we drink from is not quenching our thirst how can we then quench the thirst of others? In order to have cups overflowing, achieving balance of mind, body, and spirit is a necessity. The bible teaches us that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Are we honoring this space?

Learning stress reduction techniques like biofeedback, progressive relaxation, prayer and meditation, eye desensitization, Emotion Code, CGAM Body Charger, Cryxon Light Training, essential oils, deep breathing, counter pressure, and more can truly enrich the quality of life experienced. My favorite stress reduction sessions are the ones where my clients want to grow reduce stress by growing spiritually. I respect people and their beliefs and support their growth the way they want to go.